How to Protect Your Mental Heath

The 2024 election is over. Are you feeling confused? Free floating anxiety? Like you aren't part of the world as you thought it to be? Feeling threatened and wondering what is next for you and your loved ones? Thinking about fleeing a country that you don't understand? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this post is for you.
This 2024 presidential election and the craziness that led up to it has lasted for years, with accelerating and damaging effects from news, online bots, podcasts, magazines and late night TV. If you were involved at all in the world, you couldn't escape it. So now it is done and we are left with the aftermath. How can you protect your mental health going forward?
First and foremost, stop internet scrolling. If you get email, facebook or other alerts from news media, or other subscription services do not click on them. This is hard because we are conditioned to have in-the-moment news and updates. There is absolutely nothing about this election result that needs to be conveyed more than once a day or even once a week. The expert talking heads have no idea what they are predicting. They have been wrong more than right. The fear mongering and concerns about deportation, taking away birth control, violence against women, eliminating the FDA and education departments, embargos and inflation are real, but not immediate. There is no reason to speculate or worry about it now. (I will be taking my own advice here and stop posting on facebook and instagram). Funny cat stories and comedians are permitted internet fodder. But it’s better to avoid the internet all together. EverythingHealth alerts are permitted.
Get out in nature. It is the ultimate healer for depression and anxiety. Even a trip to the park or backyard can be healing. Notice the insect on that dandilion weed and ponder if it is even a weed and why? Listen to the birds and see how many voices you hear. Notice the fall leaf changes and predict when the last leaf will be on the tree. Notice a smell. We are increasingly out of touch with these senses.
Listen to music. Invest in Spotify or Apple music and explore new genres. If possible hear local live music and support the arts. Spending money on the arts, rather than accumulating more things is not only healing, but it is an act of resistance to what is going on.
Do random acts of kindness. Remember when that was a thing? As Martha Stewart says, "A good thing". Even if you are feeling depleated, you can make today better for another human. The Buddah says, "If you light a lamp for someone, it will also brighten your path."
Spend your new free time, that you have by not reading or watching news, in a new activity. Plan a small party or event with friends. Learn collage (good you tube videos on this). Learn dance moves (good you tube videos on this). Start Yoga or a meditation pratice (good you tube videos on this). You decide what fits for you but it has to be out of the box new.
Don't discuss politics anymore with anyone. For a period of time it should be an off-topic with friends and family. If someone brings it up just stop them and say "I'm not discussing anything about politics right now. Nothing. I hope you understand." And hold firm. Of course it is important to be involved and engaged. But not right now.
Re-watch a favorite movie or series. You have more time now that you aren't on the internet. Laughter really is the best medicine and watching movies gives your brain time to unwind and relax.
Honestly, the most important thing we all can do is stay in the moment and avoid future-tripping about what this election and world events can mean. We do not know the future. The Buddha said "The secret of health for the mind and body is not to mourn for the past, nor to worry about the future, but to live in the present moment, wisely and earnestly."

I will try to remember this today and hope you do too.
Great advice I definitely need to take to heart. I’ve been doing quite a bit of doom scrolling.
Great post! Words to live by. Miss you and hope you are doing well.😀