Ignore these 15 Obamacare Myths
I've pulled my head up from frantic medical work just in time to give faithful readers 15 Myths that are being spread about Obamacare. I have been first to admit that the government has done a lousy job of explaining the plan and it is no wonder the Tea Party has had a field day with mis-information. But now that sign-ups for the Exchanges are open to the uninsured and under-insured population, these are the lies you should avoid:
Congress is "Exempt" from the Affordable Care Act
Premium prices will increase due to Health Care Law
The Affordable Care Act includes death panels
Shutting down Government over Obamacare funding will stop the Health Care Law
The ACA is "socialized medicine" and a "government takeover"
People will be able to commit subsidy fraud on the Exchanges
Obamacare "Narrow Networks" will constrain health choices
The Affordable Care Act is bad for women
The Affordable Care Act covers abortions
The Affordable Care Act is a job killer
With full access to medical records, the IRS will discriminate against conservatives
Navigators will abuse private information
Obamacare mandates doctors to ask patients about sexual history
The Medicaid expansion will force doctors to turn away patients
Obamacare is to blame for a projected 30 million people who will remain uninsured.
There is plenty to be mad at the government about. The fact that the Tea Party has literally shut down government is atrocious and bad for mankind and bad for business. Obamacare isn't the problem. it isn't a perfect law but it is the same act the GOP came up with during the Bush years and it is a (minor) step in the right direction.
Aren't you glad I'm back with facts and the truth?